Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grocery Store Finds!

I know my last post was March 6th (eek!) but unfortunately I've been so busy with school and interning that I haven't really had a free moment. I figure maybe 7 people have seen this page at most, though, so it's all good lol. Anywho, I went to Jewel yesterday to pick up a few things and saw this display..

The polishes looked quite similar to the swatches I've seen of the new China Glaze Spring Prismatic collection. I wasn't too crazy about the swatches I had seen but when I saw these colors up close, I immediately understood the hype. I am not sure if any of these are dupes but they are amazing nonetheless. I picked up Born into Privilege and Bow in my Presence. Today, I have photos of Born into Privilege.

(Left - Bow in my Presence, Right - Born into Privilege)

Please excuse my orange hands - self-tanner mishap! :x

Bottle close up - a mix of Green and Silver Hues with specs of round multicolored glitter.

The bottle color is amazing!

Natural light photo.

Also, at Jewel, I found this 99 cent awesome holographic-ish color from Princessa called Pretty In Purple. I have to try it soon!


  1. OMG! You found these already? They are not out in my area yet. Soooo pretty. Your nails look really nice too. Totally anticipating!

  2. Thanks!!! Yeah I was really surprised to see them! I might pick up more today lol

  3. omg so pretty!!!! why we no have those here!!! :( we have the older collection only :(

    1. Aw I'm sorry :( hopefully they'll get some in!

  4. I think we have all had self-tanner incidents in our beauty life. I love all of these funky colors. I am a sucker for glitter and crazy colors.

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